Week Commencing: 27/08/2011 Number of Fish: 41 Weights of Fish: 12 Singles, 5 Doubles, 14 Twenties, 8 Thirties Total Lbs: 766 Lbs Biggest Fish: 36lb Mirror caught by Tom Comments: Marc: Thank you [...]
Week Commencing: 20/08/2011 Time Fishing: Mostly nights, with a few days towards end of week Number of Fish: 37 Weights of Fish: 2 under 10lb, 9 Doubles, 9 Low Twenties 10 High Twenties, 7 [...]
Week Commencing: 07/08/2011 Time Fishing: Days & Nights Number of Fish: 84 Weights of Fish: 5 under 10lb, 18 Doubles, 20 Low twenties 28 High twenties, 8 Low Thirties 4 High Thirties, 1 [...]
Week Commencing: 30/07/2011 Time Fishing: Days Number of Fish: 39 Weights of Fish: 4 under 10lb, 8 doubles, 11 Low Twenties 8 High Twenties, 6 Low Thirties 1 High Thirty, 1 Forty Total Lbs: 877 [...]
Week Commencing: 23/07/2011 Time Fishing: 7 Days, 7 Nights, stopping for breakfast and dinner Number of Fish: 61 Weights of Fish: 7 Days, 7 Nights, stopping for breakfast and dinner Total Lbs: [...]
Week Commencing: 11/06/2011 Time Fishing: Days Number of Fish: 41 Weights of Fish: 5 Under 10lb, 12 Doubles, 8 Low Twenties 10 High Twenties, 4 Low thirties 2 High Thirties Total Lbs: 837 Lbs [...]
Week Commencing: 04/06/2011 Number of Fish: 35 Weights of Fish: 5 under 10lb, 11 Doubles, 8 Low Twenties 10 High Twenties, 1 Thirty Total Lbs: 665 Lbs Biggest Fish: 33lb Mirror caught by Paul [...]
Week Commencing: 28/05/2011 Time Fishing: 7 days, 7 nights Stopping for 2 hour breakfast and dinner going back around 8-9pm resting the lake for 4 hrs min Number of Fish: 90 Weights of Fish: 22 [...]
Week Commencing: 14/05/2011 Time Fishing: Evenings & Nights, A few days (too hot so pulled in rods during day) Number of Fish: 75 Weights of Fish: 19 Under 10lb, 10 Doubles, 11 Low Twenties [...]
Week Commencing: 07/05/2011 Time Fishing: Days Only Number of Fish: 14 Weights of Fish: 5 Doubles, 1 Low Twenty 3 High Twenties, 3 Low Thirties 2 High Thirties Total Lbs: 352 Lbs Biggest Fish: [...]