In 2010 Catch Reports

Week Commencing: 05/06/2010
Time Fishing: Days

Number of Fish: 36

Weights of Fish:
16 Doubles, 14 Low Twenties 3 High Twenties, 3 Thirties.

Total Lbs: 681 Lbs
Biggest Fish: 38 1/2lb Grass Carp caught by Terry

Mario: Had an excellent week, weather was a bit s**t but I still enjoyed it. The food was great. Back next year definitely, Cheers Gary….Terry: Cheers Gary another great week, weather on and off, great food, another big one for me well happy. Back next year see you then, Cheers….Ben: Cheers Gary had a great week even though the weather was a bit crap I still caught more than I did last year. As usual the food was excellent and you have been a great host I recommend to everyone, try this lake it’s great. Thanks Gary I will see you next year….Bob: My first time fishing in France and for big carp, learnt a lot from Gary good tips went a long way. Thanks for a good time see you again. P.S. Food good thanks to Gary & wife….
Weather Conditions: Mixed, Rain & some sun
Which Lake: The Lodge.