Week Commencing: 20/08/2011
Time Fishing: Mostly nights, with a few days towards end of week
Number of Fish: 37
Weights of Fish:
2 under 10lb, 9 Doubles, 9 Low Twenties 10 High Twenties, 7 Thirties
Total Lbs: 848 Lbs
Biggest Fish: 37lb 8oz Mirror caught by Stuart
A great week was had by all, the two boys, Jack & Henry both caught their 1st 20’s and Karen also had her 1st Carp a 20lber!!
Weather was good to start with up to 35 degree for the 1st half of the week and a bit cooler in the later half.
Fishing wise we took it easy to start, catching consistantly all week though. We mostly fished nights only at the start and days as well at the end of the week.
Weather Conditions: V. Hot to start cooled down towards end of week.
Which Lake: The Lodge.