Week Commencing: 31/03/2012 Time Fishing: Days only. Number of Fish: 75 Weights of Fish: 3 Tench, 4 under 10lb, 13 Doubles, 12 Low Twenties 29 High TWenties, 12 Thirties,1 Fifty, 1 Sixty Total [...]
Week Commencing: 24/03/2012 Time Fishing: Days only. Number of Fish: 37 Weights of Fish: 8 Tench, 40lb of roach!, 2 under 10lb, 1 double, 5 Low Twenties 13 High Twenties, 10 thirties, 1 Forty [...]
Week Commencing: 10/03/2012 Time Fishing: Days and Nights Number of Fish: 39 Weights of Fish: 4 under 10lb, 13 Doubles, 9 Low Twenties 10 High Twenties, 3 Thirties Total Lbs: 807 Lbs Biggest [...]
Week Commencing: 03/03/2012 Time Fishing: Total 5 days fishing and some nights, and Stevie never got out of bed “til 12every day! Number of Fish: 22 Weights of Fish: 2lb & 11 lb Pike, [...]