Week Commencing: 29/09/2007 Time Fishing: Only fished between breakfast and dinner Number of Fish: 12 Weights of Fish: DOUBLES: 10, TWENTIES: 12, THIRTIES: 5 Total Lbs: 273 Lbs Comments: Gary [...]
Week Commencing: 22/09/2007 Time Fishing: Adam & Warren fished day & night. Karl fished only day time, having Wednesday off. Jill fished a few hours a couple of days. Number of Fish: 34 [...]
Week Commencing: 15/09/2007 Time Fishing: 7 Days, 7 Nights Number of Fish: 31 Weights of Fish: DOUBLES: 8, TWENTIES: 19, THIRTIES: 4 Weather Conditions: Warm and sunny days, chilly at Night Which [...]
Week Commencing: 09/09/2007 Time Fishing: Days Number of Fish: 26 Weights of Fish: DOUBLES: 6, TWENTIES: 16, THIRTIES: 4 Total Lbs: 642 Lbs Comments: Overall fishing good, catching the sort of [...]
Week Commencing: 01/09/2007 Time Fishing: Fished for approx 5 Hours per day. Number of Fish: 26 Weights of Fish: DOUBLES: 9, TWENTIES: 15, THIRTIES: 2 Total Lbs: 598 Lbs Comments: Started fishing [...]