Week Commencing: 22/07/2007 Time Fishing: Every morning and some afternoons. Didn’t fish on Saturday or Monday Number of Fish: 14 Weights of Fish: 61/2 lb Tench & 8lb Koi, DOUBLES: 4, [...]
Week Commencing: 14/07/2007 Time Fishing: Days, when they finally got their rods out!! Number of Fish: 28 Weights of Fish: DOUBLES: 6, TWENTIES: 19, THIRTIES: 3 Total Lbs: 654 Lbs Comments: [...]
Week Commencing: 07/07/2007 Time Fishing: Days and a few hours at night, stopping for dinner and drinky poo’s on the patio as per normal!!!! Number of Fish: 36 Weights of Fish: 1lb Tench, [...]